
magazine ad


psa ad

photoshop designs


On October 8, 2012, Rachael McNamara spoke to us about topics relating a student's lifestyle. After the presentation, I wanted to make a magazine ad that focused what I think most students do around college campuses. That is the topic of drinking, especially the underage students. This is an important issue to those that are not of age should not do. I found a picture of a bottle of Bud Light that represents what most students drink when they party or go out. Then I found a picture of handcuffs, which represents police involvement if you get caught. I wanted to cuff the beer bottle to show that those who are underage will go to jail and suffer the consequences, also to those that do throw a party to underage drinkers. I chose a black background to keep it neutral; also it to makes it easier to focus on the words and pictures. I added a drop shadow and stroke to the fonts to bring out the words. I wanted to keep the same color scheme as the beer bottle, so I chose blue and white for the font colors.

psa magazine ad